A short review on milling dynamics in low-stiffness cutting conditions: Modeling and analysis
Jinbo NIU, Jinting XU, Fei REN, Yuwen SUN, Dongming GUO
2021, 1(1): 2020004. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2020004
Abstract PDF
Grinding mechanism of titanium alloy: Research status and prospect
Guijian XIAO, Youdong ZHANG, Yun HUANG, Shayu SONG, Benqiang CHEN
2021, 1(1): 2020001. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2020001
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Failure analysis and improvement of a non-metallic engineering part in an interference fit assembly process
Kedong BI, Zhengming RUI, Lingchong XUE, Juekuan YANG
2021, 1(1): 2020002. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2020002
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A one-step method to fabricate bio-friendly patterned superhydrophobic surface by atmospheric pressure cold plasma
Shuai HUANG, Yayu ZHANG, Zeming WANG, Xiahui LI
2021, 1(1): 2020005. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2020005
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Implementation of fixed point of minimally invasive surgical robot: a survey
Lianjie GUO, Hu SHI, Xuesong MEI
2021, 1(1): 2020003. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2020003
Abstract PDF