Enning WANG, Xiaozhong HAO, Dong HE, Kai TANG. Physical prior and Tikhonov regularization based residual stress inference method for annular parts using deformation force[J]. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology , 2023, 3(3): 2023006. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2023006
Citation: Enning WANG, Xiaozhong HAO, Dong HE, Kai TANG. Physical prior and Tikhonov regularization based residual stress inference method for annular parts using deformation force[J]. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology , 2023, 3(3): 2023006. DOI: 10.51393/j.jamst.2023006

Physical prior and Tikhonov regularization based residual stress inference method for annular parts using deformation force


This study was funded by the National Key R&D Programs of China (Grant No. 2020YFA0713704) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 52175467).

  • Received Date: April 09, 2023
  • Revised Date: April 24, 2023
  • Available Online: May 25, 2023
  • Annular parts are widely utilized in high-end manufacturing, which are often manufactured by ring forging to meet the requirement on mechanical properties. However, residual stress (RS) is inevitably introduced in the forging process, which affects the working performance and reduces the service life of the part. Therefore, to counter the determent of RS, it is first necessary to accurately obtain it. Different from sheet or structural parts, the RS distribution in an annular part is more complex. Existing methods based on RS measurement and finite element prediction did not incorporate the RS prior, so the accuracy is influenced by the simplified assumption on RS distribution. This paper proposes a new RS inferencing method for annular parts based on the use of deformation force and physical prior. Firstly, the RS distribution prior of the annular blank after heat treatment is obtained by finite element simulation and the clustering algorithm. Then, the prior is employed to calculate the coefficient matrix to reflect the relationship between the deformation force and the RS. Finally, the Tikhonov regularization method is used to solve the deformation force-RS inverse problem. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method are verified in the simulation and experiment, respectively, which shows that the integration of RS prior distribution is able to reduce the ill-condition of the solving process to obtain an accurate solution of RS distribution in an annular part.

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